
no sugar craving in cats

Cats don't taste sugar. For a carnivore, this makes sense, and one would expect God to have made it so. But wait. It turns out that cats do have a gene for tasting sugars, just like other mammals. The gene has a mutation that prevents it from functioning. The RNA is made in the right cells, but the sugar receptor protein is not expressed. Now why would God do that? There is only one possible answer: S/He didn't. It's a bad engineering design; no reasonable engineer would do this. So God can't be a reasonable engineer. But that doesn't make sense for a being who putatively created an entire universe. There is only one one possible conclusion: There is no god. Genetic flaw leaves felines without sweet tooth, CNN. Pseudogenization of a Sweet-Receptor Gene Accounts for Cats' Indifference toward Sugar by Li et al. PLoS Genetics 1 (1): e3, 2005


There is only one God, right?

-Egypt's envoy in Iraq killed CNN Thursday, July 7,2005
"We, the al Qaeda in the land of the two rivers,announce that the verdict of God against the ambassador of the infidels, the ambassador of Egypt, has been executed, praise be toGod"
The politically correct view these days is that there is only one god and that everyone in the world worships that same god. If, for the sake of argument, we take that as an axiom (which is my way of saying that it need not be true) then the folks who killed the ambassador of Egypt believe they are doing this because God told them to. Now who are we to say that they are wrong about that? But, on purely humanistic grounds we can say that taking the life of another human is unethical, irrespective of what one believes in terms of gods. The reason is that every person has the right to live as they chose. But why does each person have that right? One person cannot know what another person requires. Therefore it is false for one person to claim to know how another should live. The only way to avoid a false claim is to allow the other to live as they chose. Clearly if one person choses to harm another, they are infringing on that other person's choices and so are taking their actions on a false basis. So murder is based on a false claim. By keeping truthful, one would not claim to know how someone else should live (or not) and therefore one would not murder. One will then have respect for the other. The people who killed the Egyptian ambassador have made a false claim: that they knew how the ambasador should live. Since they could not know that, their actions were wrong.

Why God Wants Abortions

Dangerous Practice by Jesse Fox Mayshark (published in the weeklywire.com on November 30, 1998) quotes an anonymous doctor "Smith":
"I would make a point too of saying that despite all this emphasis on life, the fact is humans do not differ from other animals or even plants in terms of a natural abortion rate. It's been estimated that only a third to half of all conceptions would progress to an actual human being. And we've known for many years that even 15 percent of known pregnancies will miscarry. I think one thing that might be concluded from this is that God himself does not attach particular significance to a conception. I think it is certainly important to recognize that potential life is important, but I think it does not have the moral standing of actual life. And it's important to make the distinction."